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Alzinfo.org  Chat Room, Monday  29 March 2004 6 pm PST, 9 pm EST, Tuesday 30 March 12 pm AEST


Peter Ashley, PWiD, UK
Paul Bryden, TAB, Australia Christine Bryden, PWiD, Australia
Sandy Cramer, US
Morris Friedell, PWiD, US
Shirley Garnett, PWiD, Australia
Alan Gibb, PWiD, NZ
Ruth Harris, PWiD, US
Candy Harrison, PWiD, US
Lynn Jackson, PWiD, Canada
Jeanne Lee, PWiD, US
Mary Lockhart, PWiD, US
Brian MacNaughton, PWiD, NZ
Tracey Mobley, PWiD, US
Carole Mulliken, PWiD, US
Carolyn Puggins, Canada
Pat Rickert, US
Garnett Russell, US
Elaine Silverio, TAB, Canada
Ray Smith, PWiD, NZ
Ben Stevens, PWiD, US
Elaine Wright, Canada
Alice Young, PWiD, US

Note Taker: Paul Bryden

Apologies: Christine Jonas-Simpson

Item 1 Reports of President and Directors

The reports were accepted as submitted on the motion of Jeanne Lee, seconded Mary Lockhart.

Item 2 Election of Directors

Members considered a list of Members put forward for election to the Board. An amendment to the list was proposed by Peter Ashley, that the titles be more clearly defined. Lynn Jackson noted that the Directors will determine their titles when they meet on line as an elected Board. The amendment was withdrawn.

The proposed list of Directors was accepted on the motion of Jeanne Lee, seconded Carole Mulliken.

Elaine Silverio agreed to act as Liaison Officer between DASNI and Alzheimer's US (subject to the agreement of Alzheimer's US).

Item 3 Treasurer's Report

Candy Harrison advised that the DASNI account stood at $388.86. The report was accepted on the motion of Carole Mulliken, seconded Elaine Silverio.

Item 5 Fundraising

Participants recalled that work had been done on fund raising but that the Task Force needed to be re-established. Participants felt there was a need for funding for travel to Conferences, local, national and international, and for literature and brochures about DASNI. It was noted that DASNI incurred annual running costs of $900, and that DASNI enjoyed Section 501C status in the US.

On the motion of Jeanne Lee, seconded Carole Mulliken, a Fund Raising Group was established, comprising:

Shirley Garnett
Jeanne Lee
Tracey Mobley
Carole Mulliken
Elaine Wright

Paul Bryden agreed to act as rapporteur, and to forward to the Group previous working papers and to propose a date for the first meeting.

ACTION: First meeting of the Fund Raising Group to be arranged by the Group, which will elect its Chair. Paul Bryden to circulate previous working papers to the Group

Item 6 Publicity

Participants noted the need for publicity. Again it was noted that work had been done on publicity over the year, but the need remained for work on brochures, increasing awareness of DASNI (and dementia) at national and local levels, and improving links to the DASNI site.

Participants noted that DASNI was not seeking to compete with Alzheimer's Associations in the provision of support and information about dementia. DASNI should work with and through Associations as colleagues in the community. It would be useful to develop a clear statement of what DASNI is about and what it seeks to achieve.

It was observed that DASNI had achieved much since 2000.It had changed ADI's approach and attitude to PWiDs, and through ADI attitudes were changing at national and local levels around the world.

On the motion of Jeanne Lee, seconded Elaine Silverio, it was agreed to reestablish the Publicity Working Group Force, with the following Members:

Sandy Cramer
Ruth Harris
Shirley Garnett
Mary Lockhart
Tracey Mobley

Paul Bryden agreed to act as rapporteur, and to forward to the Group previous working papers and to propose a date for the first meeting.

ACTION: First meeting of the Publicity Group to be arranged by the Group, which will define its role and elect its Chair. Paul Bryden to circulate previous working papers to the Group.

The meeting was adjourned at 7 pm PST, 10 pm EST, Tuesday 30 March 1 pm AEST