DASN International logo



Peter Ashley, PWiD, UK
Paul Bryden, TAB, Australia
Morris Friedell, PWiD, US
Ruth Harris, US
Candy Harrison, PWiD, US
Lynn Jackson, PWiD, Canada
Mary J
Mary Lockhart, PWiD, US
Brian MacNaughton, PWiD, NZ
Carole Mulliken, PWiD, US
Verna Schofield, TAB, NZ
Ben Stevens, PWiD, US
Elaine Wright
Alice Young, PWiD, US
Jean (Victoria)
Larry (Arkansas)
Norma (Canada)
Ray (NZ)

Note Taker: Paul Bryden


Christine Bryden, PWiD, Australia
Jeanne Lee, PWiD, US
Jan Phillips, PWiD, US
Christine Jonas-Simpson, TAB, Canada
Elaine Silvario, TAB, Canada


On the motion of Carole Mulliken seconded Ruth Harris, it was agreed that a table be prepared setting out donations, and that the issue of 'in-kind' donations be considered more fully at a later Board Meeting.


First meeting of the Task Force Wednesday 23 April 4 pm PST, 11 am Thursday 24 New Zealand, 9 am Australia.


First meeting of the Publicity Task Force Wednesday 30 April 4 pm PST, 9 am Thursday 24 Australia.

Item 1 Minutes of previous meeting, June 2001 Montana

The minutes were accepted on the motion of Carole Mulliken seconded Ruth Harris.

Item 2 Reports of President and Directors

The reports were accepted as submitted.

Item 3 Treasurers Report

Candy Harrison advised that the DASNI account stood at $276.88. The report was accepted on the motion of Carole Mulliken, seconded Morris Friedell.

The desirability of a fuller report was discussed. While there were some issues of privacy to be considered with regard to listing donations, participants felt it useful to have donations listed without attribution. Donations ‘in-kind’ might also be listed eg. vlunteer time and the like.

Item 4 Election of Directors

Directors as per the list of nominations submitted to DASNI, were elected unopposed, on the motion of Candy Harrison, seconded Norma (Canada).

The desirability of representation from Europe was noted.

Item 5 Fundraising

Participants noted that Candy Harrison had been developing a list of potential donors which might be approached by DASNI. On the motion of Carole Mulliken seconded Norma (Canada) a Task Force on Fund Raising was established, to:

The following Members were appointed to the Task Force::

Lynn Jackson (Chair)
Candy Harrison
Carole Mulliken
Elaine Wright
Ruth Harris
Verna Schofield

It was noted that Ben Stevens was keen to assist, and agreed that other DASNI Members could participate as Observers.

Item 6 Publicity

Participants also agreed to establish a Publicity Task Force, with the following Members:

Lynn Jackson (Chair), Ruth Harris, Elaine Wright, Mary Lockhart, Paul Bryden.